RealDesk for Accountants and B...

Section 1: Trust Accounting Basics


Introduction and Objectives

Real estate trust accounting is a specialized form of accounting that involves managing funds held in trust on behalf of clients in the real estate industry. When real estate agents or brokers receive money from clients for transactions such as home purchases, rentals, or security deposits, these funds must be held separately from the business's operating funds. This section will introduce you to the basic concepts of trust accounting for real estate brokerages, and provide context and background for the operational processes you will learn in the balance of this manual.

Purpose of Trust Accounts

Trust accounts are designed to safeguard the client's funds, ensuring that the money is used solely for its intended purpose. For example, earnest money deposits, rent collections, or security deposits must be held in these accounts until they are rightfully disbursed.

Compliance and Regulations

Real estate trust accounting is heavily regulated. Real estate professionals must comply with specific rules regarding how these funds are handled, recorded, and audited. The regulations help prevent commingling (mixing) of trust funds with the broker's personal or business funds and ensure transparency and accountability.

Account Management

Funds in a real estate trust account must be meticulously tracked. Every transaction must be recorded, showing all details such as the source of the funds, the purpose, and the date of the transaction. This precise record-keeping is crucial for transparency and for auditing purposes.

Audits and Reconciliation

Regular audits and account reconciliations are required to ensure that the funds in the trust account match the transaction records. These practices help detect and prevent errors, fraud, or embezzlement.

Client Protection

The primary goal of real estate trust accounting is to protect the interests of the client. By ensuring that their funds are handled properly and are available when needed for a transaction, trust accounting builds credibility in the real estate industry.


Real estate trust accounting is a cornerstone of ethical real estate practices, providing a framework to ensure that client funds are managed responsibly, transparently, and in accordance with legal requirements.